just finished/starting
i just finished reading dog handling by clare naylor, a book i picked up from the e.l. public library book sale for 1 dollar in may. it was horrible, to say the least. one of the worse, if not the worst, chick lit books i have ever read, and i have read a lot of them. i could barely finish it, which is why it took me almost a week. i even brought it up north with me and still didn't finish it. the writing was horrible, attempts at being comedic just didn't work, and the lead character was not likeable. she was a complete moron, who treated everyone she met like shit. i wasn't even going to bother finishing it, but picked it up while listening to the thunderstorms and ended up finishing it just by skimming through it and not really paying attention.
i'm ready to begin something with substance. i just received my amazon.com shipment this afternoon. i am going to start with middlesex by jeffrey eugenides tonight. i'm really looking forward to it, although virgin suicides was not really up to par, in my opinion. it was a great, easy read, but just not what i expected, i guess. maybe i should re-read it. i have it at home.
i can always tell by the first page whether i'm going to like a book or not and whether it's worth my time. clever writing and word usage always gets me. i don't think middlesex will disappoint.
i'm ready to begin something with substance. i just received my amazon.com shipment this afternoon. i am going to start with middlesex by jeffrey eugenides tonight. i'm really looking forward to it, although virgin suicides was not really up to par, in my opinion. it was a great, easy read, but just not what i expected, i guess. maybe i should re-read it. i have it at home.
i can always tell by the first page whether i'm going to like a book or not and whether it's worth my time. clever writing and word usage always gets me. i don't think middlesex will disappoint.
At 7:44 PM,
atrain said…
in less than one hour, i will be able to go to bars without having my hands deformed by black x marks. yesss!! hope your having a rad summer. my schedule here stinks, and i will not be having weekends off. but come visit anyway!! allison
At 11:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
i look forward to reading more of this blog. and i particularly can't wait to watch (/read) you fall in love with dave eggers (i really hope you do, anyway).
At 12:35 PM,
Roo from TwirlieGirls.com said…
Benita, this is awesome. I finally have a chance to read this summer (law school got in the way of that plan during the year), but I never know what to read. So yea for your blog!
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